Parkitect is also in early access (but is a very mature game anyways) and Planet Coaster is the full release.

But for those looking to get creative already, theres a way to glue items together and share the masterful creations that can come with it. Intro How to Install Planet Coaster Mods (Swap Coaster Cars With Any Track) JLW Games 8. It's worth noting that Planet Coaster's system requirements are pretty hefty in comparison to Parkitect, and you have to exceed the minimum requirements by a fair margin to have a good experience with large parks and many items. When the game nears the end of its life cycle (regarding official updates by Frontier) they might put modding (importing custom scenery) in to allow players to keep expanding it. Modding And what about when it comes down to mods While Frontier confirmed modding support as early as February, the functionality wont make it until a post-release update splices it in. If you're just craving Roller Coaster Tycoon but with a simplistic and modern art style, Parkitect is up your alley. I know that making new animations for animals will be very difficult, but will it be possible to see custom made animal species that use existing animations, for example, a King Cobra DLC item using the Boa constrictor animation. Parkitect nails the feel of classic 2d isometric theme park simulation games, with more of a focus on business management, and less distractions to get in the way. About modding I erroneously made a post asking about DLC when I meant to make it about modding. If you're the type of person that wants to spend an hour to make sure the lighting and foliage placement for your coaster queue area is perfect, Planet Coaster is for you. Planet Coaster is an incredible visual sandbox that gives you an immense level of control of just about every design aspect of your park.

Both are great titles depending on what you are looking for.